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Dr. Colleen Livingston, MD


Dr. Colleen Livingston is a psychiatrist practicing in Canton, NY. Dr. Livingston is a medical doctor specializing in the care of mental health patients. As a psychiatrist, Dr. Livingston diagnoses and treats mental illnesses. Dr. Livingston may treat patients through a variety of methods including medications, psychotherapy or talk therapy, psychosocial interventions and more, depending on each individual case. Different medications that a psychiatrist might prescribe include antidepressants, antipsychotic mediations, mood stabilizers, stimulants, sedatives and hypnotics. Dr. Livingston treats conditions like depression, anxiety, OCD, eating disorders, bipolar disorders, personality disorders, insomnia, ADD and other mental illnesses.
53 years Experience
Dr. Colleen Livingston, MD
  • Canton, NY
  • University At Buffalo SUNY School Of Med and Biomedical Sciences Buffalo Ny
  • Accepting new patients

Is physical therapy good for hospice patients?

Physical therapy can be beneficial in some cases, not in others. I suggest your friend ask his doctor about his getting physical therapy, what would be available for him and helpful READ MORE
Physical therapy can be beneficial in some cases, not in others. I suggest your friend ask his doctor about his getting physical therapy, what would be available for him and helpful for him, and what benefit or help he would like or expect from Physical Therapy. He could also request an evaluation by a physical therapist and/or his physician.

Should I go to the ER?

I recommend that you go to your primary doctor or emergency room within the next 24-48 hours so that you can have a thorough physical examination of your health, including the READ MORE
I recommend that you go to your primary doctor or emergency room within the next 24-48 hours so that you can have a thorough physical examination of your health, including the substance abuse and also other changes you’ve noticed with your health. Be sure to tell the doctor all that you have written to me. The sooner you go, the sooner you will be able to get treatment and start to feel better.