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Nikita Sahadew


Nikita Sahadew is a podiatrist practicing in Johannesburg. As a podiatrist, she diagnoses and treats conditions of the feet. The feet are key body parts that give a person stability, absorb shock, allow for walking and standing, and are necessary for overall well-being. Meaning, the feet are in need of expert care. Podiatrists can specialize in surgery, wound care, sports medicine, diabetic care, and pediatrics.
Nikita Sahadew
Specializes in:
  • Podiatrist
  • Foot Doctor
  • Foot Disorders
  • Johannesburg, 11
  • Accepting new patients

Do store orthotics work?

Not in my experience. Orthotics should be made specifically for each patient's unique gait pattern and pathology, however, store-bought innersoles that provide comfort by reducing READ MORE
Not in my experience. Orthotics should be made specifically for each patient's unique gait pattern and pathology, however, store-bought innersoles that provide comfort by reducing the ground reaction force by providing cushioning are acceptable.

What's this feeling on the bottom of my toe?

It could be the start of a seed corn or verruca. If the sensation continues to trouble you then it should be examined.

Ingrown toenail surgery now have thick ridged nails

It sounds like you could have picked up a fungal nail infection. There are many OTC products you can use however your best bet would be to see a podiatrist and have the nail clippings READ MORE
It sounds like you could have picked up a fungal nail infection. There are many OTC products you can use however your best bet would be to see a podiatrist and have the nail clippings sent to the lab for testing.