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Dr. Carrie Jacobs

Psychologist | Counseling

Dr. Carrie Jacobs is an experienced and highly qualified counselor who sees anyone from anxiety, depression, and trauma. She is a psychologist first, but recently became a clinical sexologist who also specializes in sexology and transgender care. She has a doctorate and master's in clinical psychology and is certified by the American Board of Sexology. Her practice in Encino, CA, offers treatment to individuals, couples, teens, and families, including the LGBTQ community.
Dr. Jacobs uses a range of therapeutic techniques to evaluate her patients' needs and develop customized treatment plans. This includes cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), cognitive processing therapy (CPT), compassion-focused therapy (CFT), and narrative therapy, among others. By utilizing these evidence-based approaches, Dr. Jacobs is able to help her patients achieve their goals and improve their overall well-being. For individuals seeking therapy, Dr. Jacobs offers a free 20-minute consultation by phone. This consultation can be a helpful way for potential clients to learn more about her approach to therapy and determine if she is the right fit for their needs. Overall, Dr. Jacobs is committed to providing compassionate, effective care to her clients and helping them achieve their goals.
28 years Experience
Dr. Carrie Jacobs
  • Encino, CA
  • Antioch university
  • Accepting new patients


Hello, thank you for reaching out, and I appreciate your understanding as I provide an honest response to your inquiry. I regret to hear that you've been grappling with this challenging READ MORE
Hello, thank you for reaching out, and I appreciate your understanding as I provide an honest response to your inquiry. I regret to hear that you've been grappling with this challenging situation. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a condition that is typically considered chronic, requiring ongoing management rather than quick resolution. Despite its persistent nature, the positive news is that it can be effectively managed through appropriate therapy and, in some cases, medication. It's essential to note that as of today, Complex PTSD (CPTSD) is not officially recognized as a diagnostic term in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel of Mental Health Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5). I do understand that terminally is commonly used to emphasize childhood trauma but again the diagnosable term is still PTSD. The American Psychiatric Association defines diagnostic terms to facilitate clear communication within the medical community, including physicians and insurance providers. I personally believe it will be added sometime in the future. I want to emphasize that addressing your question solely in the context of medication is challenging without knowledge of the psychological services you've received. It would be inappropriate for me to recommend or discuss medication without a comprehensive understanding of your unique situation and therapeutic history. Treating PTSD involves a multifaceted approach, and medication is just one component. Considering your age and the likelihood that much of the trauma occurred in childhood, it's crucial to explore therapeutic interventions tailored to address these specific issues. Various therapeutic approaches, such as somatic therapy, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and Narrative therapy, have proven effective in dealing with childhood trauma. Narrative therapy, in particular, has shown success in addressing such experiences. I understand this may not be the definitive answer you were seeking, but my intention is to uphold ethical standards and express genuine concern for your well-being. If you're comfortable sharing more information, I may be able to offer a more informed perspective. However, please be aware that any opinion provided would still be limited without a comprehensive understanding of your entire history and a proper assessment. Lastly, it's worth noting that while Zoloft (sertraline) is sometimes used in conjunction with other medications, I cannot speak to its appropriateness for your situation without a thorough understanding of your medical history. I hope this explanation clarifies my response and guides you on the next steps in your journey towards healing. Dr. Carrie Jacobs Carrie Jacobs PSYD, LLC Psychologist Clinical Sexologist ABS #21156 818.419.4582 <>

Can you fully heal from alcohol addiction?

While it is true that alcoholism is considered a chronic, relapsing condition and cannot be completely cured, it is important to note that recovery and long-term sobriety are achievable. READ MORE
While it is true that alcoholism is considered a chronic, relapsing condition and cannot be completely cured, it is important to note that recovery and long-term sobriety are achievable. With the right treatment and support, individuals with alcoholism can learn to manage their condition effectively and lead fulfilling lives.

Treatment for alcoholism typically involves a combination of therapy, medication, support groups, and lifestyle changes. Through these interventions, individuals can address the underlying factors contributing to their alcohol use disorder and develop healthy coping mechanisms to prevent relapse.

The readiness and commitment of the individual seeking treatment play a crucial role in their recovery journey. By actively participating in their treatment plan and making necessary changes to their lifestyle, individuals can significantly improve their chances of maintaining sobriety and enjoying a more fulfilling life.

It is worth noting that successful recovery from alcoholism often involves not only stopping alcohol use but also addressing any co-occurring mental health issues, repairing relationships, and establishing a support network. With ongoing treatment and support, individuals who struggle with alcoholism can achieve long-term sobriety and experience a happier, more rewarding life.

What methods are used to treat alcohol addiction?

This would first be treated by a medical doctor to exam for possible related medical concerns and /or detox. Once that is addressed leading to therapy, I support many different READ MORE
This would first be treated by a medical doctor to exam for possible related medical concerns and /or detox. Once that is addressed leading to therapy, I support many different theories including cognitive behavioral therapy, client focused, solution focused, among many others. It all depends on the individual's needs. I'm also a supporter of AA along with Addiction Coaching/ Companion techniques. It's all based on individual needs and comfortability.