Healthy Living

Car Company Funds Employment Program for Young Adults With Autism

More about The SPACE Project

That’s why Glyn Hopkin and The Sycamore Trust UK have launched The SPACE Project (Supporting People with Autism Into Continued Employment). The program is geared to help these talented young individuals get employed. The program is an employment support for people with autism living in the United Kingdom. They start with helping these people find jobs and advocate for their value in the business world. Not only do they connect them with resources and support guides, they also help prepare candidates for their job interviews.

The project also helps local businesses maintain full-time jobs for people with autism.

The program also helps employers learn more about autistic people. They support local businesses by guiding them and supporting them so they can accommodate for autistic employees. The foundation hopes that by providing this aid, local companies will be more inclined to not only hire an employee with autism, but also work to maintain the availability of these full-time positions in the autistic community.