Healthy Living

The Connection Between Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Candida

Now, over-antibiotic usage is confirmed to lead to IBD

For years, it was thought that candida overgrowth was a direct cause of gastrointestinal distress. Now, science confirms what was believed for several decades – candida is a significant cause of inflammatory bowel disease.

In a 2012 study that involved the participation of over 1 million children, it was found that each who received antibiotics during their first year of life were over 5x more likely to develop an inflammatory bowel disease than children who did not receive antibiotics. “There appears to be a ‘dose response’ effect. The more antibiotics children took, the more their risk increased,” commented Dr. Matt Kronman, lead author of the study. The only time that the risk decreased was when the first course of antibiotics was administered at a later age. Overall, the study showed an 84% increased risk of developing IBD with antibiotic use.