Healthy Living

Doctors are Prescribing "Mindfulness" for Fibromyalgia

When Lori showed symptoms of an autoimmune disease, the doctor told her to try yoga

Lori DeBoer was an editor and freelance writer in Boulder, Colorado when she visited her physician because of 2 compressed discs. This was confirmed by x-ray results, increasing pain in her joints, and high autoimmune markers.

However, instead of telling her to have an MRI, her physician let her watch yoga videos and asked her to try meditation. She felt disappointed when she left her appointment because she was expecting a test to get a confirmatory diagnosis. When her doctor suggested alternative treatments, she felt bad for herself for not doing them.

She understood that financial and work stress played a role in her condition. But, she thought that no matter how much meditation she did, that it would not cure the illness she had.