Healthy Living

Get Better Sleep: Tips for Fibromyalgia Sufferers

Get Better Sleep: Tips for Fibromyalgia Sufferers

Get Better Sleep: Tips for Fibromyalgia Sufferers

Getting enough sleep can not only be a challenge for millions of Americans, but for those with fibromyalgia, the issue can hit even closer to home. Those who suffer from fibromyalgia might not have the right resources for pain management and finding out ways to assist with sleeping better in the evening. Here are a few tips that will help fibromyalgia patients get better sleep.

Getting enough sleep is a challenge for those with fibromyalgia. Below are few tips that might help them:

  • Seeking help- the first step in getting a better night sleep is knowing when to seek help. Over time the pain can worsen if sleep is keeping the patient up all night. Towards healing this is an important step. Over time fibromyalgia can lead to health issues and also affect the people around them. The pain may worsen due to insomnia and other issues. Something that can surprisingly help is a proper night sleep. However, it is not a cure.
  • Get natural sunlight- it is important to get enough sunlight. Even if getting out of the house can be difficult, a window that can provide natural light will help. For those who might wake up to harsh lighting, this can be helpful.
  • Know the timing to sleep and wake up- a great morning routine can be started by a proper and restful night’s sleep. The morning routine can become overall better if you know the proper timing to wake up. You can eliminate light before bedtime by knowing when to stop using the mobile before going to bed.
  • Dairy is helpful- you can get easier night sleep by knowing which food to avoid before bed and which food to eat beforehand. It is a challenge to find a balance diet with proper nutrition. Discuss with your doctor and find the right balanced food for you.  According to studies dairy can create a sleep triggering melatonin since it contains tryptophan. For people with fibromyalgia it is doubly suggested since dairy can help with pain and movements. Longetivity and muscle regulation can be increased by getting enough calcium.
  • Drink plenty of tea and juice- it has been shown that cherry juice can assist muscle pain and also boost overall health. For those who do not want to take over the counter sleep aids can take this. Studies have concluded that insomnia symptoms can be improved by cherry juice.  Better sense of rest can also be provided by tea. However, avoid caffeine containing tea.  Go for mild teas in the evening. You can also look for other options but avoid caffeine since it keeps the person up all night. Lemon water with honey is also suggested. During the day eat healthy. For the growth and management of fibromyalgia pain, a diet rich in nutrients and vitamins is critical.
  • Throughout the day find ways to have more energy- the main goal of a person with fibromyalgia is having more energy. For a better night sleep, short walk and exercise has shown to be helpful. Better night sleep can be obtained by a walk during the day. Also the person can get other benefits too. In general, the overall function of the body can improve by moderate amount of exercise. The key focus that many individuals take to heart is finding work out that a person with fibromyalgia can complete.
  • Establish a sleep routine- sleep can be promoted by listening to a relaxing soundtrack, before bedtime you can do light reading but not over tablets or phones. The pain can be lessened by looking for healthy ways to fall asleep.