Healthy Living

The Best Breakfast Foods for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Eat more potassium

Eat more potassium

People with RA often have low levels of potassium because of the medications they take. If you are low in potassium, you may want to opt for foods that are rich in potassium, like spinach, cantaloupe, or bananas. Likewise, if your inflammation is acting up, you can chop up anti-inflammatory foods likes peaches, plums or nectarines. Regardless of what you decide to slice up, you can place the fresh fruits or vegetables in a zip-top bag or air-tight container and place in the refrigerator the night before. Then, if you wake up weak and sore the next morning, all you need to do is pour the chunks into your blender, add a non-dairy drink, and blend up for a quick and easy breakfast smoothie that will help reduce your inflammation, stiffness, and pain.