Healthy Living

Tips for Saving Money on Diabetes Medicine

Familiarize with the Insurance Plan

Patients with diabetes should make sure that they thoroughly investigate their insurance plan’s formulary, or their list of medications that an insurance company prefers, and in turn will provide more coverage for the medicine, resulting in a lower cost for the patient. Pugh suggests that people should “ask [their] doctor ‘Is this on my formulary?’” At most medical facilities, doctors are aware of the costly nature of medicine. Because of this, many medical professionals try their best to keep up with what the coverage of most insurance companies covers. Patients are also able to ask their insurance companies for their own copy of the formulary, which will allow them to become more familiar with it. However, patients should be forewarned that insurance companies are a lot like Netflix: one month they have something, the next they don’t. Because of this, it is important to keep up on the formularies and be mindful of changes that occur.