Healthy Living

Data, Devices and Diabetes

Useful apps

There are many apps that provide the social support, advice, additional information and functionality, like daily diet charts, ability to calculate the calorie intake and much more to keep you healthy and motivated(5).

Together, these devices and data collected from them can make a huge difference in your diabetes program. It can show your doctor long term results of your efforts so that your doctor can devise abetter strategy with you. Data is knowledge and knowledge is power, the power to overcome diabetes in an efficient manner, without taking too many toxic chemical drugs. So do not be left behind in this technological revolution of managing the chronic disorder like diabetes.


1. IDF diabetes atlas 7th edition S. IDF diabetes atlas - Across the globe [Internet]. Available from:

2. American Diabetes Association. 2. Classification and Diagnosis of Diabetes. Diabetes Care. 2016 Jan 1;39(Supplement 1):S13–22.

3. Jaacks LM, Siegel KR, Gujral UP, Narayan KMV. Type 2 diabetes: A 21st-century epidemic. Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2016 Jun;30(3):331–43.

4. New Diabetes Data and Smartwatch Tech at CES 2017 [Internet]. Healthline. 2017 [cited 2017 Aug 23]. Available from:

5. Diabetes PA and the 10 best diabetes apps available - Diabetes Blog [Internet]. [cited 2017 Aug 23]. Available from: