Healthy Living

How to Be an Encouraging Companion to a Friend or Relative with Parkinson’s Disease

A special note to spouses

As the husband or wife of a Parkinson’s patient, your love and encouragement will be instrumental to their well-being. All the activities and suggestions list here apply to you, but as a long-time friend of your spouse, think of ones unique to them. More than anyone else in the world, you know what delights them: their favorite song, activity, restaurant, movie, book, etc. Take the time to invest in their lives and give them something to look forward to. Parkinson’s disease carries a bunch of different needs, but love and encouragement supersede all else.


Parkinson's Disease.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 7 July 2015,

“The Parkinson’s Buddy Program.” Parkinson Support Center of Kentuckiana,

Chaput, Mary. “Caregivers Corner: Getting Prepared for Relative's Hospital Stay.”, 21 Jan. 2017,

Foundation, National Parkinson. “Neuroprotective Benefits of Exercise for People With Parkinson's.” Neuroprotective Benefits of Exercise for People with Parkinson -, 10 May 2012,

Puzic, Sonja. “'Instantaneous Results': How Music Transformed a Man with Parkinson's.”CTVNews, 19 Jan. 2017,

Stengler, Dr. Mark. “Reading and Writing Can Slow Cognitive Decline.” Dr. Mark Stengler'sBestHealth Nutritionals, 30 July 2014,