Neurologist Questions Neurology

7 ct scans in a month, total of 42mSv. Did I largely increase my risk of cancer?

In the month of October, I was under a ct scanner more than I'd like. 3 Of the scans where diagnostic. 1 abdominal/Pelvic Showed fluid on the heart, and mild bowel wall thickening. 2nd one later that night was for the chest to determine fluid on the heart (they found none) A couple days later was an abdominal/pelvic to determine pain and sickness, before I was sent for a hida. After I had my dead and polyp infested gallbladder removed, I wound up with paralyzed bladder. They did an ultrasound but couldn't get a conclusive diagnosis so sent me to CT. 3 days later, my pupils dilated and my vision was incredibly blurry. I was sent back to ER, where they did a head ct scan. A week goes by and on October 27th, I was in intense pain, and sent back to ER, where they did a CT angio of my abdomen and found Superior Mesenteric Artery syndrome. All is fine until about November 12th, when I had what we thought was a kidney stone. They did a renal ultrasound and found something, and wanted a closer look, so they went in with another Abdomen/Pelvis CT scan. I received my DLP totals and put them into xrayrisk in which my effective dose was 42 msv.

My questions are, How accurate is xray risk, and did my chances of a cancer significantly increase? I have tried speaking to my primary care doctor, and have asked around with also searching online for information, but as we all know, If you google anything, it immediately tells you, that you have cancer. Everything is gloom and doom through google.

Scan dates and totals are as follows;
Oct 9 -Abd/Pel 306.3 (5.5-4.59 msv)
Oct 10 -Chest 231.82 (4.1-3.23 msv)
Oct 14 -Abd/Pel 293.08 (5.2-4.39 msv)
Oct 15 -Abd/Pel 564.7 (10.1-8.46 msv)
Oct 18 -Head 994 (2.1-2.08 msv)
O27th -Abd/Pel 403.4 (7.2-6.004 msv)
No 12 -abd/pel 423 ( 7.6-6.34 msv)

Any insight is greatly appreciated as I'm afraid to move forward with any additional treatments! I'm just trying to gain more knowledge, so that my decisions are the best informed moving forward.

Female | 34 years old
Complaint duration: Oct/Nov 2022
Conditions: Chiari 1 Malformation, Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrom

1 Answer

You would need a significant number  more of CTscans, x-rays or other radiation procedures to have a significant increase in cancer risk. It sounds like you have complex medical issues that still are undiagnosed. If radiation worries you. Discuss with your providers if MRI scans are possible. Good luck. Dr. F. Sent from the all new AOL app for Android
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