Female | 39 years old
Complaint duration: 45 days
Medications: Gabapyntin 300 mlg twice daily triazidine 4 mlg twice daily was told to take 1000 mlgs of tylonal 3 times daily and 600 mlgs of advil 3 times daily also but do not take either one of those i like my liver thank you
Conditions: Severe cervical stenosis cervical spondoyliosis with radiopathy and meleopathy

8 Answers
Your imaging is concerning, and you may need surgical decompression and stabilization.
If your right sided weakness is worsening in your arm, then you could try a cervical epidural injection to see if that works. If not, then likely a C4-7 acdf or posterior c4-7 fusion or posterior c4-7 decompression alone without fusion may be best