Epidemiologist Questions Pediatrician

Bird poop—should I worry?

I am the mother of two beautiful girls ages 3 and 8 months. We are very active and outdoorsy. Our second daughter was born with CF. This has heightens concern for diseases/bacteria, etc. While we take precautions to wash hands and keep our home clean, there are things out of my control such as bird poop.

During the Spring our yard was almost overrun with them and they were pooping all over our deck, my kids toys, our hanging baskets, trampoline, table, etc. I had never been concerned about this in the past so I would have normal just hosed it off and gone about my business. However, being a new CF mom I started researching & went down a horrible rabbit hole of all the terrifying diseases that bird poop carry, many of them causing respiratory issues that can be fatal. So as you can imagine, I was instantly freaked out and have been for some months.

I guess my question is...how concerning is this bacteria and how easy is it to transmit? An example: my 3 year old runs outside barefoot in the grass and then inside. Oftentimes there is bird poop on the grass under the trees because the birds love those spots. Will this track inside and then be a threat to the rest of us? Particularly my baby who is crawling all over and putting her hands in her mouth constantly?

Or when we are at a playground or splash park and they are climbing/stepping/accidentally touching bird poop on the structures? My toddler does this and then brushes her hair out of her face, or holds her sisters hand, etc.

Or we walk the dogs and they step in the bird poop that’s all over the sidewalks and then walk through our home afterwards. Are these situations something to worry about?

I know kids have been playing outside for decades and survived! I think having a CF baby just really heightened the stress for me. Regardless, I want them to have normal upbringings and play like kids do and me stressing out constantly, isn’t good for anyone.

Female | 3 years old

1 Answer

Thanks for the question.

Bird droppings do carry some diseases, but they are rarely an issue outdoors with short exposures. Keep your yard clean and well groomed. You cannot avoid environmental exposures 100 percent. Masks also help, but would best be recommended if your child is immunosuppressive. Follow the doctor's recommendations for lung hygiene with CF. And always consult her or him with specific questions.