Dentist Questions Brackets


I have just gotten my brackets and am finishing the whole process later this week. How long should I take to eat?

10 Answers

The resin used to attach the brackets is light cured and you should be able to eat right away with some exceptions of foods that the orthodontist will review with you.
The adhesive we use allows you to eat right away. Of course you have dozens of foods you are prohibited from eating.
With new braces, take your time eating and chew slowly. It's normal for it to take longer at first as you adjust to the braces. Avoid hard, crunchy, or sticky foods that could damage the brackets. Stick to soft foods you can chew carefully. Be patient as you get used to eating with braces.
When you first get your braces or brackets, it may take some time to adjust to eating with them. Initially, you might experience some discomfort or soreness, which is normal. Here are some general guidelines for eating with braces:

Soft foods: Stick to soft foods that require minimal chewing to reduce discomfort and avoid damaging your braces. Examples include mashed potatoes, yogurt, soup, soft fruits, cooked vegetables, and pasta.

Cut food into small pieces: If you're eating firmer foods, such as meats or raw vegetables, cut them into smaller, bite-sized pieces to make chewing easier and minimize the risk of damaging your braces.

Avoid sticky and hard foods: Steer clear of sticky or chewy foods like chewing gum, caramels, taffy, and hard candies, as they can get stuck in your braces and be difficult to clean. Hard foods like nuts, popcorn, and ice should also be avoided as they can potentially break or damage your braces.

Take your time: Chew slowly and carefully, especially in the beginning when you're still getting used to braces. This will help you minimize discomfort and reduce the chances of any brackets or wires becoming dislodged.

Good oral hygiene: Maintain good oral hygiene by brushing your teeth after meals and snacks to remove any food particles that may have gotten stuck in your braces.

Remember, these are general guidelines, and your orthodontist or dentist may provide you with specific instructions based on your unique treatment plan. It's always best to follow their advice to ensure the successful completion of your orthodontic treatment.
Eat whatever you feel comfortable eating.
Just don’t chew ice or hard candy around the brackets, and make sure to keep food debris away from them after eating
I would wait 1 hour after brackets are placed. Do not eat chewy foods, no gum, no candy. Make sure to brush your teeth very well to avoid whitespots/decalcification.
You can take as long as you want
You didn't say whether it was taking you a long time to eat since your brackets went on, but you should take whatever time you need to eat comfortably and safely. If you're at work and trying to eat quickly, then that's another issue, so there's that. Hopefully, you got some ortho wax to put over your brackets to protect your soft tissue until your mouth gets used to things - if not, it is available at drug stores, etc, and is really helpful if you're not already using it.
You can eat now unless your orthodontist specifically said no.
Dr. J
You can eat right away.