Dermatologist Questions

Bug bite

I was bitten yesterday aound 3pm Aug 5th, just brushed it off my arm not giving it a second thought, it was about a 3 inch circle last night, today its definitely double in size, no fever, no chills, breathing is 100% fine. It is still slowing getting bigger, ive been marking it, took benadryl about 40 mins ago along with hydrocortisone cream. The area is hard-ish and slightly warm, clear fluid came out earlier and the bite is now dried up but the whole thing is super itchy, does this require a trip to the er? I say er because i have no insurance

Female | 49 years old
Complaint duration: 1 day
Medications: Metropolol succinate 50 MG 1x daily , omeprozole 80 mgs 1x daily
Conditions: Pac, pvcs, high blood pressure

1 Answer

You should go to urgent care to have that looked at Sent from my iPhone, please forgive any typos