Sleep Medicine Specialist Questions

CPAP Machine

I have had severe sleep apnea for five years. My CPAP Machine is finally helping reduce my sleep stoppages to a handful per hour which is great news. The problem is there has been no benefit whatsoever in how I feel when I wake up. I still have a disordered, cloudy mind which is extremely depressing, like my brain is full of snow, sand or cotton. If anything, my head feels even worse than without the CPAP. What could explain why my sleep numbers are much improved but I still feel like s____ in my brain waking up? Does this mean 1) I could have a completely separate brain disorder from the apnea, 2) the machine needs time to repair damage to my brain from the apnea, 3) the machine is causing a side-effect problem?

Male | 58 years old
Complaint duration: 2 months
Medications: None
Conditions: Brain fog

2 Answers

There is a really complex problem for a brief answer I can surely help you to think about this. Step #1 is to look at the machine data, and to be sure that your apnea is actually adequately suppressed. You will need your sleep specialist to do that for you. If apnea is well suppressed, the next related question is... are you using the machine for enough hours
Your problem is not uncommon amongst people with sleep apnea .
There are medications available to reduce your daytime fogginess l,They are known as wake promoting agents .
Asl your sleep care provider whether they will benefit you . The key is to continue using you CPAP machine and practice good sleep hygiene.