Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Can a chiropractor help a sprained ankle?

I sprained my ankle and want to treat it. Can a chiropractor help a sprained ankle?

7 Answers

Podiatrists are well-versed in treating ankle sprains with methods such as bracing, physical therapy, and sometimes, surgical intervention. Dr. Loor can create a personalized plan based on your specific needs.

To take the first step toward recovery, I encourage you to schedule an appointment with Dr. Loor. Visit or call (646) 631-8861 to book your consultation.
Possibly but always best to see a foot and ankle specialist.
If the sprain is grade 3, surgical intervention is indicated and out of the scope of chiropractic. It may have some benefit if the chiropractor has foot and ankle training other than just spinal. An MRI would help determine the extent of the ankle injury before and treatment is initiated.
It is generally not their area of expertise. Anyone can tell you to rest, put ice, wrap an ACE bandage, or tell you to elevate your leg. I would recommend seeing a Podiatrist though. We are specialists of the foot and ankle.
Usually not the best choice.
Chiropractors only address back issues. I recommend you discuss with a foot and ankle surgeon (podiatrist) for evaluation and treatment options
Not usually. What you should do after an ankle sprain is Rest, Ice, Elevate, and compress the area. Letting the soft tissue heal is very important. IF the pain persists for more than 2 months, you should seek the attention of a specialist