Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Can shoulder pain resolve itself?

I have had shoulder pain already 4 days. What should I do? Can shoulder pain resolve itself?

4 Answers

You can try using an ice pack on it for 20 minutes each hour. Make sure you have a paper towel or tee shirt between your skin and the ice pack. If the pain persists for over a week, get yourself checked out by either your Primary Care physician or a Chiropractor.
Shoulder pain can improve with time and conservative methods of treatment. However, the etiology of the pain in a joint are multiples and greater consideration on how it happened should not be left out. Now, the question is when and how it happened? What type of pain (Sharp or dull pain)? what aggravates the pain? If the pain is stronger when there is movement or is same. After answering those questions, I probably will get to the conclusion that maybe I need to see an orthopedic physician to do further tests and analysis (X-rays, nerve impeachment tests and other reliable test necessary). And most important, keep moving the shoulder. Please, see the heal care provider for those tests until you find the etiology. There are a few e.g., linear feature, arthritis, minimal tendinitis etc,). Thank you.
Pain itself is a neurological signal that something is malfunctioning in the body. I'd recommend continuing to move and be active, but make an appointment to see a nervous system specialist such as a chiropractor to determine the cause, whether it be structural, neurological, or muscular in nature. Depending on the cause and issue itself, you may need a balance between chiropractic and PT. Some pain can self resolve surely, but to be sure it does not occur again in the future, it is helpful to have someone trained in the workings of the human body do a complete assessment.
It can resolve on its own, depending on the cause. You may take acetaminophen, no more than 4 grams in one day, No alcohol, If it does not resolve in a couple weeks, it would be prudent to see a doctor.