Anesthesiologist Questions Anesthesiologist

Can you get local anesthesia for chronic knee pain?

I have chronic knee pain. Can you get local anesthesia for chronic knee pain?

7 Answers

I would advise you to see an orthopedic surgeon if you have chronic knee pain. Any local anesthetic into the knee joint for pain control would only be temporary relief.
Corticosteroid injections are a treatment for knee joint pain due to chronic inflammation. The steroid is often mixed with local anesthetic.
Yes, but it wouldn't last long. Other therapies would be recommended.
You could try a salon pas patch. But otherwise, no.

"Artists are the people driven by the tension between the desire to communicate and the desire to hide." -Donald Woods Winnicott
If you will have a procedure on your knee, for example, diagnostic knee aspiration, or knee arthroscopy with an intraarticular joint injection of local anesthetic. For chronic arthritis, however, it’s not effective. Depending on the degree of arthritis, it’s either anti-inflammatory
medications, or total knee replacement for severe arthritis.
Yes, you can
The local anesthesia for knee pain can be given in different ways.
1) intraarticular
2) nerve block
Good results from both