Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Can you go to gym after chiropractor?

I had a chiropractic adjustment yesterday. I want to go to the gym. Can you go to the gym after the chiropractor?

8 Answers

Provided you are not injured and your chiropractor or other doctors have not advised exercise, you are absolutely okay to go to the gym! Active lifestyle is great and will help your body function to the best of it's ability in conjunction with chiropractic care.
yes you can just try to keep it light and more reps.
The short answer is YES! Post adjustment, a well-documented increase in motor unit drive in muscle = stronger muscle contractions. However, depending where you are at in the healing process should also be taken into consideration before starting any fitness routine. Inquire with your treating doctor to be sure. In health, ~ Evan Hamilton DC~ Doctor of Chiropractic SCU B.S. Dietetics SDSU Certified Nutrition Consultant NHI
I'm glad you have a chiropractor. and that you are getting adjusted. You can go to the gym but you will need to be VERY careful and modify if anything twinges. It's better to go slow and easy than fast and furious.
It all depends on what you saw the Chiropractor for. If there is no injured tissue it would be fine, otherwise you might cause further injury.
It depends on what’s stage of healing your injury is in. It also depends on what level of chiropractic care you are at, what your visit frequency may be. Rule of thumb, I wait at least 6 visits before implementing exercise. Also, interestingly enough, research has demonstrated that one chiropractic adjustment primes the skeletal muscle in your body to what 3-4 weeks of weight training can do. Visit my podcast: Dynamism Biohack to learn more at
Yes! Thank you for the question. The best thing to do after an adjustment is to reinforce it by working out in the correct posture. The alignment is our part...the gym/working out/stretches etc. are yours. Keep up the good work!

Dr. Morales, D.C.