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Cervical MRI dismissed by spine surgeon?

I am not seeking spine surgery, but that is who my neurologist referred me to for possible epidural shots. The neuro performed an EMG which indicated a possible pinched nerve in my neck and reviewed the MRI he ordered before referring me. The findings show I have bone spurs and herniated discs at c4-c5 and c5-c6 as well as mild central Canal stenosis, mild left foraminal stenosis, and moderate bone marrow edema. I am experiencing constant left upper arm pain and bilateral numbness in both hands. I also intermittently have pain in the upper right arm and reoccurring vertigo symptoms. The MRI impression says c4-c5 and c5-c6 Mild central Canal stenosis. The spine surgeon didn't appear.to have read the MRI findings nor was he aware of the EMG of which his nurse confirmed he had the day prior. He said you only read the impression of the MRI not the findings and that there is no such thing as cervical vertigo. After rotating my left arm in multiple positions with pain and pushing both hands inward for several seconds and asking if they are numb (my hands were numb when I got there), his opinion is I have carpal tunnel syndrome and a damaged left rotator cuff. He referred me.to the hand Dr in his practice and wanted to order an MRI of my left shoulder. I think I should seek a second opinion because if he had read the tests he has possession of he would see that carpal tunnel was ruled out by the EMG and it seems like he is ignoring the obvious culprit which is a pinched nerve.

QUESTION: Am I being reasonable in my doubt of this spine Drs assessment or should I go with his recommendations? Because of COVID I had to wait 8 months to be seen by a neurologist and subsequently this spine Dr, so this pain has been going on for 10 months now. I don't want to continue to waste time and money on unwarranted tests while I could be receiving some type of treatment that may help me.

Female | 56 years old
Complaint duration: 10 months
Medications: Meloxicam for knees as needed. Topical Clobestol ointment for psoriasis
Conditions: Consistent pain, left arm pain, and numbness in hands, and intermittent right arm pain and Vertigo. Non related I have arthritis in both knees, psoriasis, and allergies.

2 Answers

Very reasonable to get second opinion. Recommend going to someone not in the same group.
I agree with you. I would seek a second opinion from a different spine surgeon first.

Harrison B. Solomon, M.D.