Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

Chance of sufficient antibodies after just one TDaP shot?

What is the probability that an infant who has been given just one DTaP vaccine administration would have sufficient antibodies measured by a titer test for Pertussis and/or Tetanus?

Female | 2 years old

2 Answers

After one DTaP vaccination an infant does have temporary immunity. But without the boosters that trigger memory, that immunity is quickly lost. That is why the schedule is set up with so many booster doses. The immunity will certainly not be life long. Breast feeding gives some immunity through mother’s milk, but that is gone within a few months after stopping. Keep your child’s vaccines current

Usually 3 shots are needed for full immunity at 2 months, 4 months, and 6 months and then a booster at 15 months, so I would say low after 1 shot.