Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

Do I need medication for anxiety?

I am a 27 year old male and I have anxiety. I want to know if I need medication for anxiety?

2 Answers

I don’t know you or your history. Only a psychiatric evaluation can answer this question.
There are many many reasons for anxiety. Sometimes it can be from one’s physiology or medical status. Sometimes it can be from substances like over-the-counter medication, prescribe medication, and several other things. The most important thing is to consider if this is a new experience, the intensity of it, and whether it’s interfering with your day-to-day life. When in doubt, always consult a psychiatrist. Assuming that there are no substances causing the issue, and it is not your physiology, and it is not imperative that you have immediate cessation, therapy is an outstanding approach. Most suggest cognitive behavioral therapy with an emphasis on anxiety reduction. Sometimes this may include breathing techniques, muscle relaxation techniques, and focusing on objects to help one be more grounded. Hope this helps.