Pediatrician Questions

Do i have asthma or am i just out of shape?

Hi, for reference, I play hockey about 3 times a week for around an hour at a time. I have been doing this for almost a year now. But, I’m still having a lot of trouble catching my breath even when I just skate across the rink. I get very tired very quickly and it’s starting to annoy me, I know i can skate better than I do, but I just can’t breathe in order to do so. If I skate for a while without a break, like if I’m playing in a game, I will start to almost hyperventilate and i get sharp stabbing pains in my chest when i breathe in at that point. Should I get checked for asthma or am I just out of shape?

Female | 15 years old
Complaint duration: My whole life i suppose
Medications: None
Conditions: None that im aware of

1 Answer

Yes, you need to stop the strenuous exercise immediately and get checked for exercise-induced Asthma and for cardiac abnormalities and arrhythmias.