“Does strengthening the lower back help with sciatica?”
I have sciatica and want to treat it. Does strengthening the lower back help with sciatica?
6 Answers
Strengthening your low back has a much lower chance of improving sciatica than it does typical low back pain without sciatica.
At the right time, strengthening the lower back is a great way to overcome sciatica. However, the strengthening aspects of sciatica relief should come only after the inflammation has subsided (with time, rest, anti-inflammatory medication (if your doctor is OK with you using them], and a heating pad). Once these pains have lessened, regaining full range of motion (of the lower back and hips) should be followed by muscle activation and flexibility exercises. I like this link:
Strengthening the core is a key to resolving sciatica, and if you can keep the muscles of the core (abdomen, lower back, buttocks, and hips) strong, you may be able to avoid a recurrence of this annoying condition (also depending on the activities you do and the accidents you sustain). I enjoy minimal lower back pain by keeping my core strong, flexible, and mobile. I have faith that you can as well. I hope this helps.
Strengthening the core is a key to resolving sciatica, and if you can keep the muscles of the core (abdomen, lower back, buttocks, and hips) strong, you may be able to avoid a recurrence of this annoying condition (also depending on the activities you do and the accidents you sustain). I enjoy minimal lower back pain by keeping my core strong, flexible, and mobile. I have faith that you can as well. I hope this helps.
Physical therapy focuses on strengthening the low back and core/abdominal. Muscles are one of the mainstays of nonoperative treatment for low back pain/sciatica. Emphasis is usually also on flexibility and posture in addition to the above during physical therapy sessions.
When your back is hurting and there is pain down your leg, don't do exercises. However, when sciatica settles down, then yes back strengthening exercises will help!
Hope it helps!
Dr. Bose
Hope it helps!
Dr. Bose