Chiropractor Questions Chiropractic Adjustment

Does your body release toxins after chiropractor?

I want to get a chiropractic adjustment. Does your body release toxins after chiropractor?

3 Answers

Great question! The chiropractic adjustment does not release toxins. Your Nervous System is the one that controls your body's ability to remove toxins. The adjustment removes interference to your body's ability to heal and function...the adjustment is the spark that kicks your Nervous System into healing mode because it no longer has stress or interference in the way. Therefore, as a result, your Nervous System is able to remove and release toxins better.
Yes it does. Loss of normal joint motion equates to increased muscle and ligament tension, decreased nerve impulse and blood flow. A spinal adjustment changes all of those parameters. Therefore, built up toxins, mainly lactic acid is released into the blood stream. Symptoms of this can be sore muscles, fatigue and flu like symptoms. Drink several glasses of water after your adjustments to help remove the toxins. 
Your body will more effectively move fluids such as inflammation, blood, etc. around the muscles, tendons, joints and ligaments.