Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions

Ear infection

About 7 days ago I developed a sore throat, which also eventually added sinus pressure. I also felt like my ear was clogged, but I get wax build up a lot so I thought it was that. I have never had pain with my wax build up or swelling. So I did an online doc visit yesterday and was prescribed a Z pack and ear drops. I took the first round of the Z pack last night and the first two rounds of drops, with the last one being at midnight. I slept still on my side with my hurt ear up until about 3am when I awoke with horrific pain in my ear. I have tried hot compresses, ice, and nothing seems to relieve it. I did sit up at 3am and by 4:15am after taking a decongestion over the counter medicine fell back asleep sitting up. I did the next round of the Z pack this morning but I am afraid to do the drops again. I fear that my ear condition is worsening. I would like to know if that is normal - this is my first ear infection - does it get worse before better? My sinus congestion is completely gone and so is my sore throat! But my ear pain is horrible. Could the infection have ruptured my ear drum? There is no fluid leaking but is that because my ear is almost swollen shut? I have pain in my jaw now too and behind my ear. It feels painful and swollen and it’s all sensitive to touch. Please advise. Thank you

Female | 42 years old
Complaint duration: Bad ear pain 5 days Terrible ear pain 1 day
Medications: Over the counter Advil cold and sinus for congestion, Azithromycin Z pack, ear drops
Conditions: Allergic to Penicillins

4 Answers

What you describe sounds like an external ear infection, this is swelling of the ear canal. Cortisporin otic would be the treatment of choice, but if the ear canal is swollen shut a wick would be to be placed
It's hard to say exactly what's going on without doing an exam. We do expect ear infections to improve with oral and topical antibiotics. Sometimes, if the ear canal is swollen shut, then the antibiotic ear drops can't get where they need to be to treat the infection, which would lead to worsening of your symptoms.
You need to see an ent. You probably have otitis media and possibly otitis externa also
You need to see an ear doctor, NOT a primary care provider. At a minimum, you have external otitis, an infection of the ear canal. Zithromax is not the drug of choice for your problem, which is why its not helping. You need a thorough (binocular microscopic) ear exam, which requires an ENT physician. Thats your shortest, most effective option for resolving the problem. Most commonly the infection is bacterial, but it could also be fungal. An exact diagnosis is key to arriving at the most effective treatment.