Physical Therapist Questions Leg pain

Foot Turning Inward

Hi, I run on my treadmill daily and notice for the past two months when i walk sometimes I experience a slight pain in the outside of my right leg and it causes my foot to turn inward and bump into my other foot. It doesn't always happen but has started to concern me. What is happening?

Female | 51 years old
Complaint duration: 2 months
Medications: levitericitam
Conditions: benign brain tumor

1 Answer

Very good question.
How you step actually does matter for your health, especially if you participate in sports, like running.

One way your foot can move when you step is called overpronation. Overpronation means that your foot rolls inward as you move. If you overpronate, the outer edge of your heel hits the ground first, and then your foot rolls inward onto the arch. Pronation refers to the flattening of your feet. So, if you overpronate, you overly flatten your feet.

As your arch flattens and stretches, your muscles, tendons, and ligaments are strained. You may be at a higher risk of developing certain injuries.

ankle sprains
shin splints
achilles tendinitis
heel spurs
plantar fasciitis

What needs to be done. Definitely manual ankle mobilizations, electrical modalities for pain modulation and building muscle tone by strengthening certain intrinsic group of muscles. Balance/coordination is a vital part since there is a brain tumor. Also very important therapeutic activities especially while on Treadmill and off the treadmill.
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