Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

How do I stop panic attacks at night?

I get panic attacks at night. Is it serious? How do I stop panic attacks at night?

4 Answers

Great questions. Panic attacks at night are little uncommon so, I would check with your doctor to check your heart for any underline conditions, unless you struggle with addictions and/or Trauma.

Hope that helps.
Dr Sangra
As with any psychiatric symptoms, a thorough medical and psychiatric evaluation is a first step to generate the list of possible causes of the problem. If it truly is panic attacks, cognitive-behavioral therapy or certain types of medications may be helpful. An underlying sleep disorder such as sleep apnea would need to be ruled out as well.
Panic attacks at night are not uncommon in Panic Disorder. An adjustment to your medication might be helpful. If you are not on medication, it might be worth considering. Doing things that are calming before bed, such as using a meditation app on your phone may also be helpful.
First, one needs to understand if you are having true panic attacks. If they are typically at night and are related to other anxiety, you are probably correct they are panic attacks. However, it is important to rule out cardiac arrhythmias, thyroid or other endocrine abnormalities. If all has been ruled out, I like to keep things simple at first: meditation is an excellent method to bring your stress level down and reduce panic, exercise is also a great option and additionally I use Magnesium Citrate or glycinate supplements. Additional supplements can also help if you adrenal fatigue from a high stress life style. Panic attacks are not to be minimized because they can be very disrupting to your life, but sometimes simple lifestyle changes can make a big difference.