Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

How long does it take to realign your hip?

I am a 20 year old female. I want to know how long does it take to realign your hip?

7 Answers

Depending on what your condition is, 'realigning' a hip may or may not be possible. If it is a simple restriction in the movement of the hip, it can take as little as one visit. If you have a bony deformity where your hip angle is different on each of the hips, that is a different story. It may be possible to help, have your chiropractor examine you, and explain what care is appropriate for your condition. Best of Health.
If the “hip” your referring to is the sacroiliac joint stuck, just a few Chiropractic adjustment’s to the Sacroiliac joint that is stuck will create pain relief typically. You are very young, so the prognosis in this case would be very good in resolving this joint dysfunction. Many times people call their Sacroiliac joint, their “hip joint”. Although, if the “hip” joint your referring to is the actual hip joint where your femur (thigh bone) is articulating with the acetabulum of the Iliac bone, that could require Orthopedic care. For example, if you had or have hip dysplasia, you would want to see a Orthopedic Physician for an exam and X-rays of the hip joint for possible Orthopedic treatment.
If it is uncomplicated, it can take three weeks to three months to correct the hip or sacroiliac joint.
Depends on what the issue is. The other issue is when people say “hip” many times they are referring to their pelvis (on the back), or the hip flexor (out front, and rarely the actual hip (on the side).
This is a difficult question to answer because there's not an "exact" timeframe. Usually, one adjustment can align your hips; however, if you have an imbalance of muscles causing one muscle to become "tighter" and one muscle to become more "lax," it could cause your hips to become misaligned again. This is where knowledge and instruction from your chiropractor to correct any muscle imbalances come in handy.
That really depends on what is causing the malalignment and how severe it is. You have age on your side. I would assume there are not many complicating factors. You may need an orthotic in the shoe to help balance the pelvis if there is a leg length discrepancy.
Good luck and stick with the treatment plan.
It takes an instant to realign the hip. It takes much longer to fix the reasons why the hip became misaligned. Weeks to months.