Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT)

How often should a 30 year old get a hearing test?

I am a 31 year old male. I want to know how often should a 30 year old get a hearing test?

5 Answers

Whenever you notice a significant change in your hearing.
It’s normally not needed for a 30-year-old to get consistent hearing tests unless there is some kind of issue. If you notice hearing loss or ringing in the ears, I would get a hearing test. Maybe if there is a family history of hearing loss at an early age also consider a test. Otherwise, it is probably not needed until age 50-60.
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If you suspect that you are having some difficulty hearing, have a family history of early onset hearing loss, have exposure to loud noise, or have ringing in the ears, then one should get a hearing test.

Dr. D
Yearly if you have industrial noise exposure. Immediately if you have hearing loss after a head injury, viral illness, have history of meniere's disease, associated spinning vertigo, loud tinnitus, physical trauma to ear canal, ear bleeding, discharge. If familial hearing loss, every two-three years. Use ear plugs and headphones when exposed to loud noise.
Every 3 to 5 years or less if you have risk factors (i.e., regular exposure to noise with or without the use if hearing protection, genetic hearing loss in family, chronic health conditions) or notice changes.