Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)

How to stop my ear from hurting?

My sinuses and allergies are really bad and things are draining with that said my ear started hurting last night and is still hurting this morning. It's not horrible just irritating. What can I take to dry the drainage up and stop my ear from hurting, please?

Female | 45 years old
Complaint duration: Few days

1 Answer

Would be best to see ENT. You can apply warm, moist compresses to the ear, take Zyrtec, (for allergies) and Ibuprofen. If you have nasal congestion, you can use oxymetazoline nasal spray every three to four hours for a few days. Can also use Valsalva maneuver in attempt to get air back into middle ear space
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