Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenteorlogist

I am pooping blood, is it serious?

I pooped blood yesterday and today it happened again. Its happening on and of sometimes its not a lot and sometimes its a lot.

Female | 16 years old
Complaint duration: A day
Medications: Zoloft, birth control
Conditions: None

3 Answers

You need to make an appointment to see a GI doctor for further evaluation and testing. Please increase your fluid and fiber intake and do not strain during bowel movements
Please see a physician for evaluation ASAP. Bleeding is not normal. There are many causes of rectal bleeding and treatment is individualized based on the cause. If you feel dizzy, or have chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitation, pain or fever, you need your go to the emergency room
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It could be hemorrhoids. You should be evaluated by a physician, get testing to see if you are anemic and to determine if any diagnostic procedures should be done.