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I'm having a left arm issue?

I'm a recently turned 40-year-old female with no other health issues other than hot flashes. About 9 weeks ago, I started having problems with my left arm. I can lift my arm, flex all fingers, make a fist, pat myself on the back without pain. But I couldn't lift or grasp anything. Now I can finally grasp things without problems.

However, I am still having problems lifting things and having pain that I can't really control (I can lift a KF, but can't lift a grocery bag). I can lift a heavy mat, but I can't lift a bucket of water. I can scrub cages, but it hurts to move a set of bowls. I can push a lawnmower - but the pain comes and goes. Sometimes the pain comes in a wave, like a hot flash, and only thing I can do is close my eyes and let it pass). Pain has been just below the shoulder to above elbow and below the elbow to hand. Earlier in this mess, my hand would partially swell (that thankfully stopped).

The only medication I've taken is Aleve. Iced arm a few times. Simply try not to use the arm. Is there anything else I can do besides try not to use my arm and ice when it hurts? Is there any reason I should have a doc physically examine my arm, or is it a waste of time?

Female | 40 years old
Complaint duration: 9 weeks
Medications: Aleve
Conditions: Radial Nerve??

3 Answers

Yes!!! Sounds like you may have a pinched nerve in your neck.
It’s hard to precisely answer the question. It can be a brachial plexus problem or a singular nerve. You need to be seen by a neurologist or PM&R specialist for examination and possible electro diagnostic studies to have a definitive diagnosis and determine treatment.
I agree with your diagnosis of injury to a nerve. It is more likely the median nerve as opposed to the radial nerve. The symptoms can occur with injury along any part of the nerve including the shoulder to the elbow into the hand. Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common irritation and would give many of the symptoms you describe. I would continue modifying activities to avoid anything that irritates the armoire as much as possible. I do think an anti-inflammatory taken routinely may be helpful. If over the course of the The next several weeks you do not see improvement then I would see a primary care physician or orthopedic surgeon. Sometimes a short course of medication can alleviate some of these nerve pains and also you could rule out any injury to the tendons in the shoulder or arm. Good luck