“Is having an autistic child genetic?”
My daughter was diagnosed with autism. Is it genetic? What are the treatment options?
1 Answer
The diagnosis of autism is not necessarily straightforward. Yes, for some of those diagnosed with autism there are genetic components to it. Talking with geneticists and or developmental pediatricians can help decide if genetic testing would be warranted ( genetic testing in general is not cheap). Current familial risk for having another child with autism is 10% but I know that number is changing as more genes are discovered to be associated with autism. Treatment depends on the severity of the autistic behaviors. The more severe behaviors are typically referred to ABA therapists to help the child and family find a way to communicate to each other. Very labor intensive. ABA refers to Applied Behavioral Analysis. Milder forms of autism might just need referral for speech, physical, and or occupational therapy. When the child is school age, medications might be incorporated for some of his behaviors- poor focus, anxiety, or pervasive ones. Each child with autism is unique and the treatment plan will need to be adjusted as the childs brain is maturing and changing as well. Dr Connolly