Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Is it good to get adjusted by a chiropractor?

I am a 29 year old female. I want to know if it is good to get adjusted by a chiropractor?

9 Answers

Very Good
Absolutely, chiropractic treats in several ways: 1) Mechanical relieving fixation of joints. 2) Stimulations to the nervous system. 3) Relief of spinal pressure to nerves.
Yes it is good to get adjusted by a chiropractor.
Being adjusted by a chiropractor can benefit your overall health. I am biased since I am a chiropractor. Plus, I think it's better to be adjusted by a chiropractor than be adjusted by a dentist, the amazon delivery person or veterinarian. We have the most training in it by any healthcare profession. Does everyone need to be adjusted? I doubt it, but I do think many people can benefit.
Of course! A trained chiropractor has received extensive education and hands-on experience to care for patients. It is a safe and non-invasive approach for pain relief.
Yes, Chiropractic should be used like Dentistry. Go a couple times per year for prevention, and more often if you have an injury.
It is a great idea, assuming you don't have any health problems that would hurt you from such a treatment. Your chiropractor should take a thorough history and do a comprehensive examination to rule out any risk factors.
Age is not a good judge of what is needed. It is more important to look at wear and tear. Have you had accidents, falls, injuries what kind of work you do, What activities do you do at home and/or played contact sports. This needs to be evaluated. If an individual is injured I start them on 2 to three times a week and then as the progress start reducing them on frequency until I release them on the own recognizance. Some people like coming in for treatment periodically.
I think it's good, of course that's my bias being one, however the reason we do what we do is that we are seeking to influence the body to stay in a "health and healing type neurology" more often that the "stress neurology" which is referred to as parasympathetic vs sympathetic. The body naturally ebbs and flows between these two and certain bodily functions needs to happen under one type versus another type of neurologic function. The problem occurs when we stay too long in one type of system versus another, similar to when the thermostat on your car gets stuck. The thermostat should ebb and flow in a certain range to regulate the car's system and our body's system should also ebb and flow in a specific range in order for it to thrive. The adjustment is a means of adjusting or correcting the lack of flow.