Phychiatrist Questions Physical Therapist

Is physical therapy effective after shoulder surgery?

I will have shoulder surgery. Is physical therapy effective after shoulder surgery?

6 Answers

Absolutely!!! Your surgeon shouldve discussed this with you.
Yes, physical therapy is paramount after shoulder surgery. A good manual physical therapist will help you restore full range of motion of the shoulder as well as restore function of the shoulder post surgery. I would recommend a physical therapist who is a certified functional manual therapist (CFMT) through the institute of physical art (IPA).
Physical therapy is often an integral and effective component of the rehabilitation process after shoulder surgery. The effectiveness of physical therapy after shoulder surgery depends on various factors, including the type of surgery, the extent of the shoulder injury or condition, and the individual's overall health and commitment to rehabilitation.

Here are some key reasons why physical therapy is typically recommended after shoulder surgery:

Restoration of Range of Motion: Shoulder surgery, whether it involves repairing a rotator cuff, addressing instability, or other issues, can lead to stiffness. Physical therapy exercises are designed to gradually restore the range of motion in the shoulder joint.

Strength Building: Surgery and the subsequent period of immobilization can lead to muscle weakness. Physical therapy includes exercises to strengthen the muscles around the shoulder, helping to improve stability and support.

Pain Management: Post-surgical pain and discomfort are common. Physical therapists can employ various techniques to manage pain, including manual therapy, modalities like ice or heat, and specific exercises.

Prevention of Scar Tissue Formation: After surgery, scar tissue can form around the surgical site. Physical therapists use specific techniques to prevent excessive scar tissue formation and help the tissues heal in a way that promotes optimal function.

Functional Rehabilitation: Physical therapy focuses not only on restoring the physical structures of the shoulder but also on functional rehabilitation. This involves exercises and activities that mimic daily tasks, ensuring that the shoulder regains practical strength and mobility.

Patient Education: Physical therapists educate patients on proper body mechanics, posture, and exercises to continue at home. This empowers individuals to take an active role in their recovery and prevent future issues.

It's important to note that the success of physical therapy after shoulder surgery depends on consistent and dedicated participation. Following the prescribed rehabilitation plan, attending scheduled therapy sessions, and communicating openly with the healthcare team are crucial for optimal outcomes.

Always consult with your orthopedic surgeon or healthcare provider to determine the most appropriate rehabilitation plan for your specific condition and surgery. They can provide personalized advice based on your individual needs and medical history.
most definitely
The shoulder is a very complex joint held to the body by a lot of musculature. You want to make sure that joint motion is restored properly so you don't develop compensations.
Yes, physical therapy is very important to attend after having shoulder surgery. what kind of surgery are you having and what is your location?