Pediatrician Questions Lightheadedness

Is there something wrong with my vestibular system?

I’m a 13 year old female, and have been for the past few days, experiencing lightheadedness, feeling off balance, my head feeling heavy, and feeling like my head is floating. I catch myself swaying when I’m standing and sitting or even propping myself while laying down. When I walk I find myself not walking in a straight line sometimes. Sometimes my head feels heavy, and feels like it’s floating. I have no medical problems previously, except for having a growth hormone deficiency.

Female | 13 years old
Complaint duration: 3-4 days
Medications: Acne medicine (haven’t been using regularly)

2 Answers

There are many things that can cause your symptoms, and it's hard to pin down the cause without doing an exam and getting some more information. The number one thing I would start with is drinking lots of water and keep yourself hydrated. But I do think you should reach out to your personal doctor to get evaluated for your symptoms. They should not be ignored. Hope you're feeling better soon. Dr. Rubin.
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