Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions

Left leg

Ankle reconstructive surgery and gastroc recession 2 years ago. Tore calf in the same leg back in june.
Got and MRI that says Within the proximal tibial diaphysis, patchy area of T1 hypointense/T2 hyperintense signal, likely an area of red marrow reconversion. No
fracture, stress reaction, or osteonecrosis. Susceptibility artifact noted
within the lateral aspect of the left ankle, compatible with postsurgical
changes from prior lateral ankle reconstruction.

All visible musculotendinous structures are within normal limits. There
are no masses or abnormal fluid collections. The soft tissues are
otherwise unremarkable. No acute osseous or soft tissue abnormality. Postsurgical changes at the ankle.

I have a sprained knee in the same leg, pain behind my knee, below my knee & upper shin area, pain in upper calf, my leg is swollen all over. What is wrong with my leg? Because I am back on crutches and barely able to bear weight recently. I also have addisons disease and CRPS in that ankle.

Female | 39 years old
Complaint duration: 3 months, 26 days
Medications: hydrocortisosne, abilify, trazadone, singulair, gabapentin
Conditions: Addisons disease, CRPS< Trigeminal neuralgia, asthma, allergies, arthirtis, bipolar, insomnia

2 Answers

Please get an evaluation by your orthopedic doctor. I am a hip specialist. Looking at MRI report, it seems soft tissue. Red marrow is common in some patients. Please get a in person evaluation. Rupesh Tarwala
Recommend complete evaluation and clinical exam from your orthopedic surgeon