Dentist Questions

Lump on Alveolar Mucosa, Do I have oral cancer?

I am 17 years old male, a nonsmoker, a nondrinker and don't have HPV. I have this lump on my alveolar mucosa. It is a small, soft, movable lump and doesn't hurt. Is it oral cancer because I am worried. I tried taking a photo but it isn't really visible.

Male | 17 years old
Complaint duration: 2 months

4 Answers

It does not sound like cancer to me. Best is have oral surgeon exam and biopsy if needed.
You should make appointment with your dentist and they will evaluate for you and take further actions if needed
It is difficult to make a diagnosis without a visual exam and the information you provided. Since you have reported it being there at least 2 months it would be prudent to see an oral surgeon for an accurate diagnosis. 
I would find it incredibly unlikely that you have oral cancer given your age and your lifestyle choices. I dont think you have anything to worry about, however it is always best to allow a dentist or your primary medical professional to evaluate any significant lumps or changes to the soft tissue in your mouth. I suggest you consult your dentist or physician despite the low probability of cancer. Jeff Neal, DDS South Carolina