Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)

Lump on right tonsil?

It started last week with pain in the right side of the throat, and hurt to swallow. Now there's a big hard lump the size of a quarter by right tonsil. When I feel with my finger its hard and solid.

Female | 45 years old
Complaint duration: 1 week
Medications: Oxcarbazepine, sertraline
Conditions: Seizures

2 Answers

Need to see ENT doctor asap. You may need antibiotics and/or further workup including ultrasound with needle biopsy, CT scan or MRI and definitely a good ENT exam and laryngoscopy to look at you throat. This could be infection or even something more serious so it warrants attention asap.
You need to see an ENT or family physician to evaluate your tonsil. You may have an abscess in your tonsil or other process causing it to be enlarged and hard.