Rheumatologist Questions joint pain

My joint pain is impacting my work productivity. Please help.

I am a 27 year old man and I have been suffering from severe pain of knees and elbow joints. It is now beginning to affect my work productivity as the pain is unbearable. Please help me on what I should do next to manage this pain.

4 Answers

You need a Diagnosis and then treatment recommendations

Please consult your doctor for help
See a Rheumatologist. it may be simple to treat, with inexpensive, conservative medication.
You should see your primary care physician. If you do not have one, find an internist.
Please see a Rheumatologist or Sports Medicine Physcian. I would recommend to perform Blood work and Radiologic studies to identify the cause of the pain.
If you are in the NYC area please call 718-375-2300 and schedule your appointment.