Orthopedist Questions Orthopedist

Pain in left hip?

I have continuing pain in the left hip that seems to be organic. Pain in left hip?

2 Answers

Pain in the hip joint has many causes. 103 exclude all other causes and limit oneself on the pain from the hip joint. Pain can be different from the bus or plane with a nerve root impingement beyond the hip joint and in a young patient is from the labral tear; in an older patient, it's arising from arthritis. One requires an X-ray of the hip or MRI studies of the hip joint.
Thank you.
Pain in a hip can occur for many reasons. I would need much more information to give an accurate reason. It may be back , pelvic or hip related. Can be muscular, skeletal, nerve related. Can very much depend on age, weight, activities. If it has been present for over 6 weeks you should be evaluated by an orthopedic surgeon and have appropriate diagnostic tests (radiographs, MRI etc). Good luck