Councelor/Therapist Questions

Pink Slips - OHIO.

Hi, I’m not sure who to ask, I’m sorry if this was an inconvenience, but I was pink slipped in Ohio - meaning I was held in a mental institution for approximately a week. Does this ruin my dream chances of wanting to be a Paramedic? Does this affect my future at all? Etc. Thank you!
-Virginia L. Heath, Ohio.

Female | 19 years old
Complaint duration: 07/13/23 - 7/21/22.
Medications: Prozac, Buspar.
Conditions: Anxiety, Depression.

1 Answer

Hi, Thank you for your question. No, this shouldn't affect your employment in any way as your health information is private, protected, and confidential! This means that the hospital is not allowed to use, disclose, or release your records without your permission and consent! I hope this has been helpful! Best, *Jenna Torres, PsyD* LifeStance Health