Neurologist Questions

Post TIA Travel

I had a TIA on July 9th. I'm looking to fly to Denver on August 30th. I currently live in Hunstville, AL at around 500ft elevation. I will be in Denver less than 36hours and have never been there before.
I was wondering- would it be safe for me to fly for that long (8ish hours) and to an elevation that high so soon after having a TIA?

Female | 25 years old
Medications: Amitriptyline 100mg
Conditions: Congenital Myopathy. Postural Orthostatic tachycardia syndrome. Dysautonomia.

1 Answer

It should be safe to fly. The flight time from Huntsville to Denver is about 2 to 3 hours and it's a pressurized flight and the alitude in Denver may cause a little shortness of breath for the first 24 hours. Make sure to stay well hydrated and if there are no other undisclosed medical issues you should be fine. Good luck.  Dr F. Sent from AOL on Android