Gastroenterologist Questions

Retaining water after enemas

I am a 58 yo m w nerogenic bowel as a result of MS. My gastro ordered weekly enemas (2 x 1L ea tapwater w/1t salt ea) to prevent impaction. I had a fair amount of difficulty administering them, and almost no fluid & a small amount of material has been returned. It's been nearly 2 hrs. I can feel the fluid in there, but can't evacuate it. Should I be concerned?

Male | 58 years old
Complaint duration: 3 years
Medications: Miralax, Metamucil
Conditions: MS Neurogenic bowel and bladder

1 Answer

No. If you don't have pain then there should not be danger from retaining fluid from the enema. It will eventually pass or it will resorbed by the colon.