Naturopath Questions

Secondary progressive multiple sclerosis

I’m having what I believe to be a relapse right by now. I don’t have any health insurance at the moment and I already have expensive bills from the hospital. What I’d like to ask after researching anything that helps is I saw muscle relaxants help. Do you know of any I can get over the counter? I have floating random levels of pain and spms and anemia and fibromyalgia and migraines every now and then sometimes headaches. I can walk thankfully but am experiencing a lot of pain in my body that moves around since the start of today. Please help me. I’d really appreciate your knowledge. Thank you.

Female | 23 years old
Complaint duration: 5 days
Conditions: Secondary progressive multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, anemia, migraines, headaches, chronic floating pain

2 Answers

Hi, Muscle relaxants are available by prescription only.
Muscle relaxers are a pharmaceutical and cannot be purchased over the counter. Sometimes Magnesium Glycinate can help act as a muscle relaxer, however is it is not as potent and dosing is different between variety of patients.