Gastroenterologist Questions

Stomach Issues Out of Nowhere

Hello! Since December, I’ve had random and unexplained stomach sensitivity. It may have even started in November and gotten worse. I eat healthy with lots of greens, nuts, and fiber. Out of nowhere, I can’t consume dairy because it irritates my stomach. I’ll have one day with normal stool then the next I’ll have 1 normal stool following by mushy stool. My stomach is extremely sensitive out of nowhere. I’m wondering if it could be long term side effects from my birth control as I have been getting worsening depression and anxiety as well.

Female | 21 years old
Complaint duration: About 2 months
Medications: Tri Lo Mil Birth Control

1 Answer

No, this is not from the birth control. Sensitivity of the intestines or stomach usually arises from a infection. You may have had a mild bout of food poisoning, gastroenteritis, or have H pylori. A visit to a PCP or GI doc can provide a work up looking for these.