Pain Management Specialist Questions

Tylenol and alcohol

Hi I am a 60 year old male. I recently injured my back, and my doctor told me to take 500mg of tylenol as needed. My question is I am going on vacation, and will be drinking alcohol. My doctor said that after 6 hours, I should be fine to enjoy some drinks. Looking online it suggests 8 hours. Which is safe, how long for tylenol to clear my system. I haven't been taking it daily, more like 2 times a week for the last few weeks.

Male | 60 years old
Complaint duration: 21 days
Medications: Lialda
Conditions: Colitis

3 Answers

Tylenol and alcohol are both metabolized in the liver. You must not consume more than 4,000 mg of Tylenol in any 24 hour period, or there is a risk for your liver shutting down. 500 mg tablets X 8 is 4,000 mg. That is the maximum number of tablets you could take in 24 hours IF your liver is normal and is functioning normally. There is no absolute safe time from the consumption of Tylenol until consumption of alcohol. If you are going on vacation and expect to consume alcohol, it would be best to reduce your daily consumption of Tylenol to less than 3,000 mg / 24 hours (no more than 6 X 500 mg tablets). It would be in your best interest not to overdo it with alcohol while you are using Tylenol for any reason, vacation or not. It is always better to be safer than sorrier. Good luck!
Glutathione is how your liver detoxifies alcohol and Acetaminophen. It has a finite capacity. This can be less with age, other medicines, liver status, heart disease, other medicines...etc. I suggest 8 hours before and after and to limit Acetaminophen to 350 mg/dose, not to exceed 5 doses/ day. Get Outlook for iOS<>
Your use of Tylenol is so minimal I would not be concerned.